Sunday, May 30, 2021

Study in 1st Peter

Introduction to 1st Peter - The ESV Bible

"1 Peter provides advice to Gentile Christians, God's elect, who are under persecution. Date: If written by Peter, then 62-63—not later, since Peter was probably martyred, along with Paul, in the persecution by Nero in 64-65" - The University of Rochester Research Paper, continue reading...

Online Bible: Net Bible Online - 1st Peter

Topics for Next Week, June 6th
Study: 1st Peter Chapter 2 - Old Testament Quote: 1st Peter 2:13 reference from Isaiah 28:16
Video: The Fig Tree Prophecy
Video: YHVH" in Ancient Hebrew!

Previously discussed
Video: Is the End of Days Prophesied in the First Word of the Bible?

1 comment:

  1. If you thought you had this one all worked out, think again. Please share your thoughts. Video: The Fig Tree Prophecy -


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