Creation, God Creates The Heavens And The Earth
“Lofty” – Strong’s meaning
Earth’s Atmosphere – Inner Space
1st Heaven, counting outward-
Invisible, the abode of the clouds
unique to this planet located in this solar system-
Invisible Universe – Outer Space-
The Residence of the Stars
Has no physical presence that we can touch, smell, taste, or sense(or touch, figuratively or actually) with our 5 senses or scientific instrumentation
The habitation of the Angels
“Firm” – Strong’s meaning-
Includes all things that are “Firm” or solid-
Includes our oceans and liquids, natural gases – visible and invisible-
Includes the entire physical universe-
Visible(?) -
Some things are visible to insects that are not visible to humans
Mankind has made microscopes and telescopes that reveal, make visible, things that were once invisible to us
Spirit of God
Strong’s Meaning – “Wind, breath, mind, spirit”-
Wind – Invisible, yet Visible. Wind is “firm” as it moves past visible objects, it affects them by putting- pressure on them
breath – suggests animation or life-
mind – suggests intellect and individuality -
spirit – suggests that the Spirit is invisible to our senses, and is eternal in nature; as we are told in the NT that the unseen is eternal and what is seen is passing away (temporary).
Final Thoughts
The Spirit of God in v1 includes the entire Godhead.
Mankind is made in the image of The Godhead.
Like the Godhead we were made to have His image or attributes in us: “wind, breath, mind, and spirit”
Wind, we have physicality and naturally affect the things around us as we move through the earth
Breath, we are animated, having life in us; life, that life force or power is invisible
Mind, mankind was created with the ability to think and reason
Spirit, being made in the image of our creator we are both visible(Jesus) and Invisible (Father and Holy Spirit).
Mankind is Born without #4
Sin: Falling short, not reaching potential – less than what was meant to be. We are sinners because we are born defective, less than we were intended to be by our creator. Mankind “must be born of the spirit” to reach their created potential.
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