Saturday, August 7, 2021

God Creates The Heavens And The Earth - Genesis 1.1

Creation, God Creates The Heavens And The Earth

Genesis 1:1 – “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth”
Beginning Date: “The date of creation cannot be determined.” - Condensed Biblical Cyclopedia


  • “Lofty” – Strong’s meaning

  • Plural

  • Invisible


  • Earth’s Atmosphere – Inner Space 

  • 1st Heaven, counting outward- 

  • Invisible, the abode of the clouds

  • unique to this planet located in this solar system- 

Invisible Universe – Outer Space- 

  • The Residence of the Stars

  • Has no physical presence that we can touch, smell, taste, or sense(or touch, figuratively or actually) with our 5 senses or scientific instrumentation

  • The habitation of the Angels


  • “Firm” – Strong’s meaning- 

  • Includes all things that are “Firm” or solid- 

  • Includes our oceans and liquids, natural gases – visible and invisible- 

  • Includes the entire physical universe- 

  • Visible(?) - 

  • Some things are visible to insects that are not visible to humans

  • Mankind has made microscopes and telescopes that reveal, make visible, things that were once invisible to us

Spirit of God

  • Strong’s Meaning – “Wind, breath, mind, spirit”- 

  • Wind – Invisible, yet Visible. Wind is “firm” as it moves past visible objects, it affects them by putting-  pressure on them

  • breath – suggests animation or life- 

  • mind – suggests intellect and individuality -

  • spirit – suggests that the Spirit is invisible to our senses, and is eternal in nature; as we are told in the NT that the unseen is eternal and what is seen is passing away (temporary).

Final Thoughts

  • The Spirit of God in v1 includes the entire Godhead.

  • Mankind is made in the image of The Godhead.

  • Like the Godhead we were made to have His image or attributes in us: “wind, breath, mind, and spirit”

  • Wind, we have physicality and naturally affect the things around us as we move through the earth

  • Breath, we are animated, having life in us; life, that life force or power is invisible

  • Mind, mankind was created with the ability to think and reason

  • Spirit, being made in the image of our creator we are both visible(Jesus) and Invisible (Father and Holy Spirit). 

  • Mankind is Born without #4

  • Sin: Falling short, not reaching potential – less than what was meant to be. We are sinners because we are born defective, less than we were intended to be by our creator. Mankind “must be born of the spirit” to reach their created potential.

Your Thoughts? Please share your thoughts questions


  1. The Master has been awakening me at 444 am systematically for some while. The message is consistent. Covid seeks to replace Christ. Furthermore we are being led to a great conflict and He shall lead His bride safely to His eternal abode. The god of the cosmos is the great counterfeiter and is seeking to lead our Lord's children astray. The only ultimate victory is to listen to Him at all times, using His word .(Logos) Our Lord spoke to Peter. This was His spoken word. It took root. We who are in a quandary must listen to Him(rhema)as He addresses individuals in our time. We are to refer to His spoken word in order to get his instruction as He did with the Apostle. Our Master is anxious to speak to us in this crisis, engage In His conversation and do not allow anyone or any thing to come between you and your Savior. His spoken Word is never in conflict with His written Word

  2. Covid comes to divide and destroy. Individualism is the enemy of this disease. The malady creates confusion, of which our creator is not the author. Vaccines introduce a foreign substance into the make up of individuals. Forcing people to receive a medication has an erroneous connotation and becomes evil. Booster shots leads to drug dependence and habit forming. We are yet to discover what the long range results will bring. This world is not employing wisdom nor common sense. God gave man Psalm 91, man gives us what we are experiencing.

    1. Division has always been one of Satan's tools of choice.
      Abba, help us to remain in the Spirit, exemplifying the fruit of Spirit in our daily lives building each other up and glorifying our Savior!
      (See Galatians 5:22-25)

      " 17 But you must remember, beloved, the predictions of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. 18 They said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions.” 19 It is these who cause divisions, worldly people, devoid of the Spirit. 20 But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, 21 keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life. 22 And have mercy on those who doubt; 23 save others by snatching them out of the fire; to others show mercy with fear, hating even the garment[g] stained by the flesh. 24 Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, 25 to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time[h] and now and forever. Amen." Jude 1:17-24 ESV

  3. Unfortunately, the current trajectory of personal rights on health matters is very dangerous freefall and will continue to cause havoc in the world. Like snowball it has gathered mass as it rolls downhill toward the removal of individual rights.

    1. This day, January 8,2022, my spirit causes me to consider the current worsening plague to be either the antichrist attack or something similar. As I claim Psalm 91 I still do not walk into traffic blindfolded. The "mandate" is the key and utter confusion is abounding. Should one use wisdom and common sense this proves the case to be more than plausible.


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